Cacao Nibs are dried and crushed pieces of cacao beans, which we roast and normally process into our high quality and flavorful chocolate bars. At laflor, we love the cacao fruit in all its shapes and flavors, which is why we also offer dried cacao nibs for snacking and cooking.
The delicate smell of chocolate and coffee is deceptive, however, because no sugar is added to the nibs. Therefore, the familiar sweetness of chocolate is completely absent. What remains is a very intense, slightly bitter cacao flavor that reveals the full flavor diversity of the bean. So far, the cacao nibs are particularly known in sustainable and healthy cuisine, because they contain a lot of natural and healthy nutrients.
They are a natural source of magnesium and calcium, and, due to their particularly high antioxidant content, they support the body’s immune system, even more than well-known natural miracle cures such as green tea and blueberries.
Our cacao nibs are not only suitable as a somewhat different snack for in between meals, but they are also perfect for spicing up your own recipes and for baking. The taste of the cacao bean is very versatile and, unlike what you might think, it also goes perfectly with various savory dishes.
You can download and print the recipe Chili sin Carne with Cacao Nibs here, which we had for lunch today. It was delicious.