Contact Address

Invoice Address
laflor AG
Hohlstrasse 418
8048 Zurich

Hohlstrasse 418
8048 Zürich

Authorized representatives

Ivo Müller, Laura Schälchli, Heini Schwarzenbach, Zelia Zadra

Commercial register entry

Registered company name: laflor AG
Number: CHE-445.833.493
Commercial Register Office: Zürich
VAT ID: CHE-445833.493

Responsible for the content of the website

Laura Schälchli


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The activation of certain links on this website leads to external websites. laflor checks the suitability of a link when setting it up, but accepts no responsibility for its content. Online managers who create links to our website are required to inform laflor of this.


The copyrights and all other rights to the content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to the company laflor AG or the specifically named rights holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holders must be obtained in advance.

Design and development



Basel Grotesk
Chi-Long Trieu,

Translations / Texts

Barbara Eisl
Fanny Eisl
Simona Griffa