
We guarantee to offer you the same high product quality through this sales channel as in our factory shop. Items in perfect condition cannot be returned or exchanged. (Food Law)

If an item has a defect (other than a broken chocolate bar), please do not hesitate to contact us. Please notify us of any complaints immediately, but no later than 10 days after delivery.

If an item is not available, this amount will normally be refunded.

You can find more detailed product information under the respective item on our website or with the item supplied.



Registration and purchase via is binding.


Transferring a ticket

If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to pass on your booked place to a friend. Payments already made cannot be refunded.


Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. laflor accepts no liability.


laflor reserves the right to cancel or postpone events, e.g. if the instructor falls ill.

Private Events


The contract between laflor AG is concluded with the written order confirmation by laflor AG or with the advance payment of the participant. In case of discrepancies between the descriptions on the website of laflor AG and the scope of services according to the order confirmation, the order confirmation takes precedence. The description of services for events, guided tours, seminars and courses on our website does not constitute a binding offer.



laflor AG reserves the right to cancel or postpone events, e.g. in the event of illness of the course leader or due to unforeseen risks and cases of impossibility (force majeure, catastrophes, etc.). A postponement of the event shall be deemed an equivalent service. If no postponement date can be agreed between the contracting parties, any advance payments already made will be refunded within 30 days.


Terms of payment

Verbal or written registration is binding and obliges the participant to pay the course fee. Non-payment of the course fee does not constitute cancellation.


Payment method

50 % of the amount as advance payment in accordance with the offer within 10 days of order confirmation.



Cancellations of the confirmed event must be cancelled in writing as soon as possible. Cancellations must be submitted in writing to
Cancellations of the event will be charged as follows:
– up to 10 days before the event: fee of 20 % of the offer
– up to 5 days before the event: fee of 75 % of the offer
– within 5 days before the event: fee of 100 % of the offer
The conditions agreed in the offer also apply.



Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. laflor AG accepts no liability.